"Discerning Religious Life" by Sister Clare Matthiass, CFR
"And You Are Christ's" by Fr. Thomas Dubay
"Foundations of Religious Life: Re-Visiting the Vision"
"Vita Consecreta" by St. John Paul II
For Love Alone (https://www.amazon.com/For-Love-Alone-DVD/dp/B0125H80U2)
The Gaze that Beckons by Sr. Bethany Madonna (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRoibIWEAi8)
Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious (https://cmswr.org/)
Friends of the Bridegroom (https://www.renewreligious.org/)
This most common and familiar way of living celibacy is an organized and communal living of the three counsels under vows and in non-secular lifestyle. Members give a gospel witness through a visible community life and a corporate apostolate. To prayer, their main concern, they join differing types of ecclesial work. Like members of secular institutes, religious live according to a rule and under the direction of leadership. Unlike the former, they are not hidden in the world both in manner of communal life and in dress.
Enclosed life is the most radical of the communal ways of living the three gospel counsels. These institutes share much in common with active ones. They differ chiefly in that they do not have an external apostolate but rather are oriented wholly to prayer, solitude, and penance. Their work is limited to the care of the monastery and their own needs together with some income-producing activities that can be carried on within the enclosure. Members are assured of the freedom for prayerful solitude by the practice of enclosure, which limits their contacts with persons in the outside world.
Whatever the precise manner of life, an integrated gospel pattern requires the harmonious interweaving of prayer, work, recreation, and rest. In each of the types mentioned, these four elements are mingled in various ways. In all of them, however, prayer is the prime necessity. Why this is so is the subject of our next section. No state of life may contradict the gospel message, and for the revealed word, communing with the Lord God is the overriding necessity of all human existence.
Director of Vocations: Reverend Allen Rodriguez
Contact information is:
Mailing address: 3325 13th street Riverside CA 92501
Email address: [email protected]
Cell phone: 951-446-8057
WhatsApp: 951-446-8057
Social Media:
Link: http://trinitymissions.org/#panel-2
Provincial Office
3601 N. California Ave.
Chicago, IL 60618-4602
Vocations Director- Fr. Gary Hogan, C.R.
Phone: 314-652-8814
Email: [email protected]
Reverend Bruce J. Krause, C.M.
1000 Fourth Avenue
Opelika, AL 36801
Link: www.cmeast.org
Jesuits USA Central and Southern Province
4511 W. Pine Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63108-2191
Vocations Director – Reverend Randall Gibbens, S.J.
[email protected]
For information about vocations,
please visit Become a Jesuit or send an email.
Contact the Josephite Vocation Ministry Office:
Phone: (202) 832-9100
Email: [email protected]
Mail: 1200 Varnum Street NE Washington, DC 20017
Province of the United States
Vocation Contact: Brother Ronald Hingle, S.C.
Office: 504-913-0005
Cell: 504-913-0005
Province Website: BrothersoftheSacredHeart.org
Institute website: www.coindre.org
143 County Road 20 East, Marbury, AL 36051
Our website: MarburyDominicanNuns.org
E-mail for vocation contact: [email protected]
Vocation Contact Form:
Vocation Directress
Dominican Monastery of St. Jude
P.O. Box 170 143 County Road
20 East Marbury, Alabama 36051
[email protected]
Phone number: 205-755-1322
Sister Laura Mercier, SSF, Vocation Director
504-309-8175 (office)
504-460-5122 (cell)
[email protected]
St. John Berchmans Formation House
2710 Gentilly Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70122
Sr. Constance Carolyn, l.s.p.
Vocations Director
4200 Harewood Rd, NE
Washington, DC 20017
Tel: 410-262-7514
email: [email protected]
website: www.littlesistersofthepoor.org
Sister Patsy Guyton
Director of Vocations
5201 West Alabama Christian Drive, Apt. 200
Phone Number: 502-640-4202
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.sfccinternational.org/
Contact: Sister Amy Hereford
6400 Minnisota
St. Louis, MO 63111-2807
Tel: 314-266-1814
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.csjlife.org Community Website: www.csjsl.org
2039 North Geyer Road
St. Louis, MO 63131-3332
t 314-909-4661
c 314-703-1933
f 314-909-4600
website: sistersofmercy.org
Vocations Director:
Sister Regina Hlavac, DC
San Antonio, Texas
[email protected]
Website: www.daughters-of-charity.com
Visitation Sisters - V.H.M.
2300 Spring Hill Ave.
Mobile, AL 36607
Tel: 251-473-2321
Mother Catherine of the Cross, O.C.D., Superior
Camelite Monastery
716 Dauphin Island Pkwy
Mobile, AL 36606
Sr. Regina of the Immaculate Heart, O.C.D., Extern
Tel: (251) 401-1223