The Seminarian Summer Gala was a beautiful display of all aspects of stewardship in action!
The evening opened and closed with everyone’s gift of time in prayer. Before dinner, Mass was celebrated for all attendees by Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi with Fr. Patrick Gilbreath giving the homily and seminarians serving. The talented Mr. and Mrs. Trey Krause shared their gift of music at Mass. At the end of the evening, everyone prayed the seminarian prayer together.
Happy New Year! Well, not exactly the way we think about it. This is a new school year. For teachers and students, the beginning of a new school year provides an opportunity to start fresh. This is especially true if you have changed schools.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Mt 28:19-20
The Gospel of Matthew ends with this Great Commission. The salvation of souls is the purpose of the Church. It is duty of each Christian. We are called to strive after our own salvation and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others so that they may seek their own salvation.
Congratulations to Phillip Sylvester – now Brother Phillip, MIC – who took his first profession of vows with the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary.
Fr. John L. Holleman, who most recently served as pastor of Holy Name of Jesus Parish in Semmes, passed away on Aug. 18 at the age of 83. A Mass of Christian Burial was scheduled for Aug. 22 at Our Lady of the Gulf Parish in Gulf Shores. Fr. Holleman retired to Gulf Shores in 2016 following his assignment at Holy Name of Jesus.
The Archdiocese of Mobile will celebrate the annual Blue Mass on Wednesday, Sept. 11 at the 12:10 p.m. Mass at the Cathedral-Basilica of the Immaculate Conception.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church says some interesting things about charity, the supreme theological virtue that, as St. Paul wrote in Colossians 3:14, “binds everything together in perfect harmony.”
MOBILE — With a beaming smile and an innocent swagger, Carolyn Francis speculated on how her life would be different had she continued to study acting in college.
“Maybe I would have gotten an Emmy. Or maybe I would’ve had my star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame,” Ms. Francis joked.
We just experienced a once-in-a-lifetime event. Tens of thousands of Catholics gathered in Indianapolis for a five-day Eucharistic Congress. People came from across the world. The event was extremely well done. The logistics of having about 60,000 pilgrims in town for five days was enormous. Hotels, restaurants, transportation, signage, programs with details, means to break the huge group into smaller groups, vendors and I am sure many other details had to be arranged.
Acabamos de vivir un acontecimiento único en la vida. Decenas de miles de católicos se reunieron en Indianápolis para el Congreso Eucarístico de cinco días. Vinieron personas de todo el mundo. El acontecimiento estuvo muy bien organizado. La logística de tener a unos 60.000 peregrinos en la ciudad durante 5 días fue enorme. Hubo que organizar hoteles, restaurantes, transporte, señalización, programas con detalles, medios para dividir el enorme grupo en grupos más pequeños, vendedores y estoy seguro de que muchos otros detalles.
In the previous edition of “The Catholic Week,” I wrote about the National Eucharistic Congress, a grace-filled event of the American Catholic Church held in mid-July in Indianapolis. People from across the country gathered to give thanks to God for the priceless gift of the Eucharist, which our Lord gave to us at the Last Supper. In that Upper Room with His disciples, the Lord gave us His own Body and Blood, truly present in the bread and wine once consecrated, as His visible testimony that He is with us until the end of time.
En la edición anterior de "La Semana Católica", escribí sobre el Congreso Eucarístico Nacional, un acontecimiento lleno de gracia de la Iglesia católica estadounidense celebrado a mediados de julio en Indianápolis. Personas de todo el país se reunieron para dar gracias a Dios por el don inestimable de la Eucaristía, otorgado por Nuestro Señor en la Última Cena. En aquel Cenáculo con sus discípulos, el Señor nos entregó su propio Cuerpo y Sangre, verdaderamente presentes en el pan y el vino una vez consagrados, como testimonio visible de que Él está con nosotros hasta el final de los tiempos.
Como parte de un reciente Día de Servicio asociado con la Peregrinación Eucarística Nacional, los voluntarios de nuestro programa ayudaron a pre-empacar cerca de 200 bolsas de artículos que Stella Maris lleva a los marinos cuando visitan los barcos.
Felicitaciones a Caroline Picard - ahora Hermana Caroline - que entró en el noviciado con las Hermanas Siervas del Hogar de la Madre el 16 de julio en Santander, España.
As part of a recent Day of Service associated with the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage, volunteers assisted with pre-packing approximately 200 bags of items that are brought to seafarers by Stella Maris when visiting ships.