After serving as the Archdiocese of Mobile’s director of the Office for Hispanic Ministry for nearly six years, Deacon Hector Donastorg is stepping down from the position.
MOBILE—The Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Court 172 at St. James Major Parish in Prichard recently celebrated their 50 th anniversary. The celebration on June 22 included Mass and a banquet. Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi celebrated the Mass and parish pastor Fr. Godwin Bamidele Imoru concelebrated.
INDIANAPOLIS (OSV News)—Even before the July 21 announcement that National Eucharistic Congress organizers are considering holding another congress in just a few years, 9-year-old Thomas Gangestad had prayed for it.
Fr. Peyton Plessala was installed as pastor of Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish in Selma and immaculate Conception Mission in Orrville on July 14.
Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi installed Rev. Victor P. Ingalls as pastor of St. Theresa Catholic Church on Sunday, July 7, beginning a new chapter for the parish.
Near-death experiences (NDEs) are a complex set of phenomena that often include reports of leaving one’s body, seeing it from outside or above, passing through a tunnel of light, seeing various forms of illumination, experiencing the presence of deceased relatives and friends, and even sensing the presence of angelic or divine beings. Between 12 and 15 percent of resuscitated heart attack patients report NDEs.
I hope that your summer is going well.
Many of us are busy on a daily basis. I hope that you soon find yourself with more free time. I also hope that we take advantage of the extra time on our hands and spend it with family and friends. Summer can afford us with opportunities for time with family that we normally don’t have. We have many daily obligations that time with loved ones can be hard to come by. Make some memories with your family and draw closer to one another.
Hace pocos días que estaba escuchando una vieja canción de Frank Sinatra titulada “Amor y matrimonio.” En tiempos pasados, como dice la canción, solían ir juntos como un caballo y el carruaje. Lamentablemente ya no es así.
DOTHAN – The Knights of Columbus Council 6727 at St. Columba Parish in Dothan held its annual seminarian dinner at the parish on July 12 to financially support 15 seminarians of the Archdiocese of Mobile.
This past week was one of the most liturgically rich of my priesthood. As part of the National Eucharistic Revival, the Marian pilgrimage was making its way through my diocese en route ultimately to Indianapolis. We processed with the Blessed Sacrament through the streets of Rochester, Minn., and then I celebrated a grand, festive Mass in the city’s Civic Center. A few days later, I said Mass in the town of La Crescent, which is just on the Minnesota side of the Mississippi River, and then processed with the Eucharist, in the company of around three thousand people, to La Crosse, on the Wisconsin side. At the close of that procession, I handed the monstrance to my colleague, Gerard Battersby, the bishop of La Crosse, and then together we celebrated Mass for the gathered throng in the La Crosse Civic Center.
Is everyone called to be a good steward? Yes, according to the Bible.
“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10).
While we are all called equally to be good stewards, stewardship looks different for everyone.
July 4 is a welcomed midsummer break. It is an opportunity for many to enjoy this holiday whether at the beach, the lake or in the backyard. Probably many of us give only a passing thought, if at all, to the significance of the day. This is our day to remember that we live in a country dedicated to respecting the rights of all.
MOBILE – Whether it was through his teaching, through his writing, through his counsel or through his suffering, Fr. J. Francis Sofie, OP inspired countless throughout the Archdiocese of Mobile.
MOBILE - Rev. J. Francis Sofie OP, quien humildemente sirvió como sacerdote de la Arquidiócesis de Mobile durante 30 años, falleció el sábado 22 de junio, después de una prolongada lucha contra el cáncer.
El 4 de julio es un bienvenido descanso estival. Es una oportunidad para que muchos disfruten de este día festivo, ya sea en la playa, en el lago o en el jardín de casa. Probablemente muchos de nosotros sólo pensamos de pasada, si es que lo hacemos, en el significado de este día. Es nuestro día para recordar que vivimos en un país dedicado a respetar los derechos de todos.
"Cada uno según el don que ha recibido, sírvase de él para servir a los demás como buenos administradores de la multiforme gracia de Dios" (1 Pedro 4:10).
En primer lugar, honramos a nuestros padres y rezamos por ellos en el Día del Padre, el 16 de junio. Los padres son inmensamente importantes. Todos los males sociales que se pueden medir son peores tanto para los hijos como para las hijas cuando el padre está ausente de la familia. Los estudios demuestran que cuando el padre está ausente, los hijos e hijas tienen más probabilidades de vivir en la pobreza, tener malos resultados en la escuela, consumir drogas, portar armas, verse involucrados en el sistema de justicia penal, abandonar la escuela, estar deprimidos, terminar en la cárcel. Muchos sociólogos nos dicen que esto se debe a que los niños miran a sus madres para que les digan cómo comportarse dentro de casa, pero los niños miran a su padre para que les diga cómo comportarse fuera de casa. Sin la guía del padre, los niños pueden perderse en el mundo exterior.