Un largo viaje en autobús a Washington, D.C., seguido de un clima nevado en la Marcha por la Vida de este año, sólo intensificó la determinación de los jóvenes de la Arquidiócesis de Mobile.
La Misa para celebrar la Vida Consagrada, en la Arquidiócesis de Mobile, se llevará a cabo el domingo 4 de febrero a las 10:30 a.m. en la Catedral-Basílica de la Inmaculada Concepción en Mobile.
Muchos de nosotros pensamos en la Misa como una obligación religiosa y nos estamos equivocando. La Eucaristía es una historia de amor. Cuenta la historia de un Dios que nos ama hasta la existencia y nos mantiene en ella porque nos ama. Dios nos invita a unirnos a Él en cada Misa. Él, el Dios del universo, desciende de su trono y toma la apariencia de pan y vino para que podamos ser alimentados por su propia vida y amor.
In 1931, then-Bishop Toolen called upon the people of our then-diocese to put faith into action by establishing an appeal to help our neighbor. The Catholic Charities Appeal began in 1931 and 93 years later we continue to assist our neighbors, remembering the words of Jesus: “What you did for the least of these you did for me.” Thank you to all who generously support the Appeal. I pray God blesses each of you.
A long bus trip to Washington, D.C., followed by snowy weather at this year’s March for Life only intensified the determination of young people from the Archdiocese of Mobile.
A Mass to celebrate Consecrated Life in the Archdiocese of Mobile will be at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 4 at the Cathedral-Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Mobile.
Cada nuevo año viene acompañado de resoluciones sobre cosas que queremos mejorar para tener una vida más saludable en los planos físico y espiritual. Muchas de esas resoluciones tienen una corta vida, muchas veces porque no contamos con un grupo de personas que nos apoyen a perseverar en nuestros propósitos.
Many of us think about Mass as a religious obligation and we are missing the point. The Eucharist is a love story. It tells the story of a God who loves us into existence and sustains us in existence because He loves us. God invites us to be united with Him at every Mass. He, the God of the universe descends from His throne and takes on the appearance of bread and wine so that we can be fed by His own life and love.
MOBILE — Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi and Archdiocese of Mobile Executive Director of Development and Stewardship, Shannon D. Roh, have announced that the 2024 Catholic Charities Appeal financial goal is $4.7 million. The basic pledge is $636 per year, which is $53 per month for 12 months, the ultimate goal is 100% participation!
Through the generosity of several local parishes, schools and one community of our Protestant brethren, the local Catholic Maritime Ministry (known globally as Stella Maris) helped seafarers from around the world celebrate Christmas while away from home.
Neuralink, a company run by Elon Musk, announced in September that it had received approval to implant wireless brain-computer interfaces (BCI) into human volunteers.
As we get older, there is a growing understanding that our time on the stage of life is approaching the final acts. I find myself wishing I could go back in time and hold each of my children as toddlers. I miss those hugs. I miss being young and being able to put socks on effortlessly again.
DOTHAN — The Knights of Columbus at St. Columba Parish in Dothan worked diligently to make 2023 a memorable year for families who needed a little extra help.
The purpose of a New Year’s Resolution is to improve something in our life. Many New Year resolutions include diets, exercise, reducing screen time, more time in prayer, quality time with family, or saving money. All of these directly corollate with being a good steward in some way. God gives us many gifts to be a good steward of, such as: the gift of time, gift of talent and financial gifts.
VATICAN CITY — In the Sistine Chapel, where popes are elected, Pope Francis baptized 16 infants, who, he said, "give us the witness of how to receive the faith: with innocence and with an open heart."
Alegría para el mundo, el Señor ha venido. Ese es el verso inicial de uno de mis himnos navideños favoritos. Pero ¿qué es alegría? El diccionario Merriam-Webster la define como la emoción evocada por el bienestar, el éxito o la buena fortuna o por la perspectiva de poseer lo que uno desea.
Merry Christmas! Yes, it is still Christmas. Leave those decorations up and keep turning on the lights that are in the yard or on the tree! The Incarnation and birth of Jesus are something very monumental. We should ponder it and celebrate it for more than just a day.
One of the enjoyable things about Christmas is that it is a time of year to tell special stories. In keeping with this, I would like to share a story with you. This story is supposedly true.