Christmas is a wonderful time of year. There are decorations, songs, gift-giving, and gatherings with loved ones. We have tried to make this season a light and happy one because there is the joy that God became man. God took flesh in order to bring us salvation.
MOBILE — Dr. C. Adrien Bodet III has volunteered at the Little Sisters of the Poor Sacred Heart Residence in Mobile, seeing patients for more than 30 years because “it’s a special place.”
Below is a reflection from SEARCH co-director Grace Morin. SEARCH 28 takes place Jan. 27-29 at Children's Harbor on Lake Martin. For more, visit
DOTHAN — Celeste Kelly, the Area Director of Catholic Social Services - Dothan, was the recent recipient of a Super Citizen Award from Ms. Ard's Kelly Springs Elementary School second grade class during the Super Citizen graduation ceremony.
It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you.” ~John 15:16
El 2022 que termina ha sido un año de muchos retos, pero también de muchas oportunidades, un año en que finalmente empezamos a saborear la normalidad después de dos años de aislamiento, un año en que empezamos a poner en movimiento muchas de las actividades ministeriales que la pandemia nos obligó a poner temporalmente en el estante.
Have you ever taken a picture? I am sure virtually all of us have. Every camera has a lens. Every picture taken is taken through the lens. The lens has an impact on what we see. If the lens is dirty, our pictures will be cloudy. If there is a crack in the lens that will impair our view.
50 Years Ago Bobby Burgess was named most valuable player in the McGill 10th annual Thanksgiving Basketball Tournament. Coached by Denzil Hollis, team members included Burgess, Bo Brown, Charlie Roberts, John Terrell, Kenny Crow, Vernon Hall, Kevin Johnson, Robin Sanders, Archie Shaw, Charlie Smoke, Steve Sparks, Walter White and Jimmy Martin.
While channel surfing through the TV stations some time ago, I came across a program showing the training of a student airplane pilot. The student was learning to fly a plane. The training took place in a cockpit of a plane, except the cockpit was not in a real plane but in a classroom. Instead of a cockpit window there was a computer screen showing what it would look like as the pilot attempted to land, take off or fly the plane. Everything was computer generated and the computer was giving the student pilot different scenarios of what could go wrong while piloting a plane: a down draft or an updraft of wind, a mechanical problem with the plane or some other ways in which trouble could develop.
The abortion landscape has changed from a legal level with the overturning of Roe v. Wade earlier this year, but there’s still much work to be done to build a culture of life.
What do you WANT for Christmas?” Yes, that is the question most frequently asked this time of year. Christmas is upon us and we are checking our list twice to make sure we have the perfect gift for everyone on our list.
This is the last issue of The Catholic Week before Christmas. I hope and pray that you and your family have a blessed Christmas. You know, it is really stunning when we stop to realize what we are celebrating. We had become alienated from God because of our sin. While we were still sinners, the God of the universe stormed into human history so that He could reconcile us to the Father.
50 Years Ago Planners of the St. Jude Youth Club were Fr. Leonard Collins, Versie Nelson, Brenda Luckie, Alvetta Nicks, Mae Witcher and Marielle Smiley. Miss Amy Garraway was listed in Who’s Who among Americas High School Students.
La palabra "esperanza" apenas se utiliza en los cuatro Evangelios. Según la traducción de la Biblia que se utilice, la palabra aparece unas pocas veces o sólo una. Los demás libros del Nuevo Testamento utilizan la palabra "esperanza", pero su ausencia en los Evangelios es notable.
DOTHAN - Alrededor de 200 feligreses de diversos orígenes colmaron el salón parroquial de Santa Columba el 19 de noviembre para una celebración anual de las naciones.
FAIRHOPE - El equipo del Modelo de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) de St. Michael Catholic High School compitió en su primera Conferencia del Modelo de la ONU de Arkansas con destreza y aplomo el 17 de noviembre ganando 19 premios, incluyendo el segundo premio más alto.
The word “hope” is rarely used in the four Gospels. Depending upon the translation of the Bible one may use, the word appears only a few times or merely once. The other books of the New Testament use the word “hope,” but its absence from the Gospels is noteworthy There are scripture scholars who observe that the absence of the word “hope” reflects the fact that there is truly no hope until the cross. While the writers of the Gospels write of faith and charity, their Gospel story moves toward the salvation won for us by the Lord at Calvary and showed to us in His Resurrection. This is the moment when the hope of our faith is finally revealed to us.