While public Masses were suspended and schools were closed in the Archdiocese of Mobile and countless ministries impacted, Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi asked all to pray during the COVID-19 pandemic.
MONTGOMERY — Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School announced that Justin Castanza, Principal of the Middle and High School Campuses, has been named the school’s new President. He will succeed current Montgomery Catholic President Anne Ceasar, who is retiring this summer.
Fr. Mateusz Rudzik, pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Tallassee, is shown in this screen capture celebrating Mass on March 22. The Mass was broadcast on St. Vincent de Paul Parish’s Facebook page, @StVincentTallassee.
One byproduct of canceled Masses is no offertory collection. And a byproduct of no offertory collection is puncture wounds in the budgets of parishes, dioceses and national collections. “It’s a big hit, and it’s gonna hurt,” said Patrick Markey, executive director of the Diocesan Fiscal Management Conference, based in Phoenix.
MOBILE — Archdiocese of Mobile seminarian Michael Barber got an early taste of “social distancing” and said it will be tough for many, but God is working through it.
We received the statement issued Thursday by Gov. Kay Ivey that directed public schools to offer distance learning. The Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese of Mobile began distance learning as of Thursday, March 19. Our schools are committed to offering our students the best possible education so that they may successfully complete the spring semester.
The suspension of public worship services and most church activities in the Catholic churches of the Archdiocese of Mobile is extended through April 18, 2020. The original suspension was announced on March 17.
There are a few days between the time I write an article for “The Catholic Week” and the time when you receive it in the mail. This does not normally cause me concern, but these are not normal times. The circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic are evolving so quickly that it is impossible to know how the situation will change in the next few days.
50 Years Ago The Knights of the Altar of St. Pius X Parish in Mobile attended the annual Passion Sunday Retreat. Providence Hospital School of Nursing senior Linda Reid Vogtner was selected “Miss AANS” at the convention of the Alabama Association of Nursing Students in Birmingham.
In times of turmoil and uncertainty, we as Christian Stewards have an increased responsibility to serve and sacrifice for the needs of others. Social distancing is a sacrifice in itself for many of us, however it is necessary to protect the most vulnerable.
What a weird couple of weeks it has been, and I suspect it is going to get weirder and maybe even scarier. COVID-19, now a pandemic, has absolutely turned a lot of plans upside down and has upset a great many applecarts.
The Archdiocese of Mobile comprises the Catholic churches and ministries in the southern half of Alabama. We are aware that our world, our nation, and our communities are coping with the covid-19 pandemic.
Throughout his 62 years of priesthood, Msgr. Maurice Shields always thought of others. Msgr. Shields, who died Feb. 21 at the age of 90, spent his final years at Allen Memorial Home. But the opportunity arose for him to join fellow religious at the Little Sisters of the Poor Sacred Heart Residence.
Men in the Archdiocese of Mobile were encouraged to build a Christian culture in their households. Fr. Patrick Driscoll, pastor of St. Dominic Parish in Mobile, highlighted the Archdiocese of Mobile’s “Called to Lead” men’s conference March 4 at St. Bede the Venerable Parish in Montgomery and St. Pius X Parish in Mobile.
Due to the now confirmed presence of coronavirus in the state of Alabama, many are anxious about being in groups of people. Although our churches remain open and Masses continue to be celebrated, all Catholics in the Archdiocese of Mobile are granted dispensation from the obligation of attending Sunday Mass if they have a concern for their own health or that of their loved ones.
The Department of Catholic Education in the Archdiocese of Mobile has been carefully monitoring the ever-evolving situation concerning the coronavirus.