By ROB HERBST The Catholic Week As the cost of everyday goods rise, many are relying on Catholic Social Services’ three thrift stores where the prices remain the same.
CSS operates three thrift stores throughout the Archdiocese of Mobile — “The Curiosity Shoppe” in Mobile, “All Things Thrift Store” in Dothan and “Second Hand Blessings Thrift Shop” in Robertsdale. Inflation spiked to seven percent in the U.S. in February, causing a rise in many basic necessities, but the only thing that’s risen at CSS thrift stores is traffic.
“So many regulars come in here and now you see so many new faces coming in,” said “Second Hand Blessings Thrift Shop” store manager Gretchen Kosek. “I do attribute that to the prices and what’s going on. A lot more people are starting to thrift.”
Kosek also added that prices are expected to remain stable.
“Here, normally the price for a pair of pants is $4 and we’re not intending to go up,” she said. “We’re here to aid the community and those who need it.” By ROB HERBST
The Catholic Week
As the cost of everyday goods rise, many are relying on Catholic Social Services’ three thrift stores where the prices remain the same.
CSS operates three thrift stores throughout the Archdiocese of Mobile — “The Curiosity Shoppe” in Mobile, “All Things Thrift Store” in Dothan and “Second Hand Blessings Thrift Shop” in Robertsdale. Inflation spiked to seven percent in the U.S. in February, causing a rise in many basic necessities, but the only thing that’s risen at CSS thrift stores is traffic.
“So many regulars come in here and now you see so many new faces coming in,” said “Second Hand Blessings Thrift Shop” store manager Gretchen Kosek. “I do attribute that to the prices and what’s going on. A lot more people are starting to thrift.”
Kosek also added that prices are expected to remain stable.
“Here, normally the price for a pair of pants is $4 and we’re not intending to go up,” she said. “We’re here to aid the community and those who need it.”
Last year alone, CSS of Baldwin County Director Phyllis Beam estimated her office helped 5,000 individuals in various ways, whether it be assistance with rent, utilities, food, gas or any other countless ways CSS helps those in need.
Beam said there’s also been a recent uptick in those seeking aid.
“We started to see more and more people asking for food because they go to the grocery store …” Beam said.
CSS thrift stores play an important part in helping those in need. The stores have low overhead. “Second Hand Blessings Thrift Shop” for example has only one full-time employee and one-part time employee. Several volunteers staff the facility.
The profit made then goes to help those needing assistance. Clients also receive vouchers to thrift stores.
“The money that comes in here helps us to help more people with rent, utilities, food, whatever they need,” Beam said. “It’s a great resource for both the clients and us. It’s a win-win.”
The thrift shops rely on donations and used clothing fills up the majority of the thrift shops’ aisles.
They also have household items, furniture, books and other assorted items.
“A lot of people don’t know what a thrift store does or have misconceptions,” Kosek said. “You’re not going to find anything that’s dirty, has holes in it or smells. We only put the good things here.”