Submitted by Marilyn King For The Catholic Week Dating back to 1837, Catholic Social Services is the oldest privately licensed child-placing agency in the State of Alabama. Adoption practices have changed dramatically over the past 175 years, but CSS’s commitment to placing children in loving, approved homes, remains the same.
Adoption services for the 28 counties within the Archdiocese of Mobile are handled by Dreama Schofield, LICSW, PIP, director of Adoptions and Pregnancy Services.
In addition to child placement services, CSS also offers post-adoption services to adults who were placed for adoption through Catholic Social Services in the Archdiocese of Mobile.
In 2000, Alabama became the first state to pass a legislative bill restoring unconditional access to birth records for adult adoptees. The bill allowed adult adoptees to receive their original birth certificates.
Adult adoptees who learned the name of their birth mother on the original birth certificate, often searched for her on their own in hopes of a reunion.
Self-initiated reunions between the two parties were not always successful due to several issues.
In 2002, CSS began providing a safer and more confidential alternative for sharing information and allowing both parties to proceed as they were comfortable to do so.
Adult adoptees can be provided with a nonidentifying summary, which includes information about their birth, description of the birth family, and the adoption plan that was made. If an adoptee wishes to pursue contact with the birth mother, the social worker will attempt to locate her. If the birth mother is in agreeance, the Social Worker provides support and counseling to both parties so they can determine the type and extent of desired contact.
Facilitation of a reunion may take months to achieve.
Alabama law only allows for release of information to the adult adoptee.
Birth parents who would like to pursue a reunion with a child they placed for adoption through CSS should contact the ministry to update their contact information in the event the adult adoptee initiates a search.
— For further information, contact Mrs. Schofield at 251-434-1550 or at [email protected]