50 Years Ago
Clergy appointments included: Rev. Joseph Couture, S.S.F., pastor of St. Rose of Lima Parish, Mon Luis Island and St. Margaret Parish, Fowl River; Rev. William LePage, S.S.F., assistant pastor of St. Elizabeth Parish, Selma; and Rev. James G. Walsh, C.S.P., director of communications for the Diocese.
Mrs. Wilbur W. Nichoff, president of the Montgomery DCCW, was named chairman of the convention and Mrs. Charles Burgess was appointed program chairman.
Mrs. Margaret (Gale) Peters presided at the meeting of the Bishop Toolen High Alumnae. New officers were elected: Mrs. Beverly (Langan) Pollman, president; Mrs. Emma (McAtee) Koppersmith, vice president; Miss Maureen Caine, secretary; and Sr. Clotaire, S.L., treasurer.
The third annual College and University night was held at McGill Institute and Bishop Toolen High Schools with students Kathy Felhaus, Rick Dietz, Mervin White-Spunner and Lorenzo Hall serving as chairmen.
Tommy Reiter and Tommy Fulton became Eagle Scouts. Both were members of St. Dominic Troop #143.
Jamie Mayhall, senior at Bishop Toolen High School was Queen of McGill Institutes’ Homecoming.
Robert Cady, former all-city lineman, was inducted into McGill’s Hall of Fame. Cady coached at McGill for two years and remained on the faculty teaching history.
25 Years Ago
Present for the Archbishop Thomas J. Toolen 4th Degree Assembly were: Charles D. Hedrick, State Deputy; Raymond T. Roser, Faithful Captain; Ellis V. Ollinger Jr., Faithful Navigator; Michael N. Renda, District Master; Michael Rogers, District Marshall; David Galloway, Outer Sentinel; Donald R. Carter, Faithful Scribe; Elgin A. Dudley, Faithful Pilot; Aubrey L. Smithhart, Inner Sentinel; Paul R. Cannel, Faithful Comptroller; William J. Kountz, Trustee; Carlos Ramos, Trustee; James T. Wall, Faithful Admiral; Charles H. Kenny, Faithful Purser; and Phillip W. Cross, Trustee.
The Charles Boyle Literary Lecture series was established to honor the college archivist and longtime professor.
Porcia Bradford, a member of St. Jude Parish, received an award at the Grand Knights and Ladies of Peter Claver at the organization’s Junior Daughters 1995 National Convention in Houston. Among her many school, church and community projects were St. Jude Youth Choir and Ministry Group and Leadership Montgomery.
James Upshaw, a senior at Montgomery Catholic High School, was named a National Merit Semifinalist.
Robert and Terry Barnett were inducted into the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre in Miami. Members are recommended by their bishop and approved by the Holy Father.
The Jesuit Volunteer Corps, South honored Joseph N. Langan during the second Mobile Standard of Christ Award Dinner held in the Louise Moorer Common on the campus of Spring Hill College.
The Refugee Resettlement Program, Mobile Emergency Program Center and the Catholic Service Center gave a banquet at the Visitation Monastery in tribute to Joe Bouchard and Ray Roser of Holy Family Parish for their many years of volunteer service to the organization.
Natalia Mielke was crowned Queen of the 1995 Catholic High School Homecoming Court. She was escorted by “King” Patrick Fink. Other court members were: Seniors-Myndi Murtagh and J. D. Naccari, Laura Allen and Bob Sommers, Catherine Carroll and Joe Jordan and Tera Brereton and James Upshaw; juniors-Stephanie Behrens and Brad Harris; sophomores-Liz Morales and Tom Tapley; and freshmen-Danielle Taylor and Tony Ceasar.
—Anne Baggett compiles information for Looking Back from past issues of this newspaper. Anne is a member of St. Mary Parish in Mobile.