50 Years Ago
Fr. Eugene Sheridan, C.M., and Mrs. Clara Ford directed a summer reading, arts and crafts, and recreation program for 32 children in the Auburn area at St. Michael’s Center.
Sister Janet Budde, D.C. was assigned to pastoral work at St. Vincent de Paul Church, Tallassee.
The 1973 football cheerleaders for McGill-Toolen High were: Leah Guarino, Steve Mills, Jackie Powell, Kelly Tucker, Moo Moo Zieman, Dennis Smith, Adelaide Hogan, Julie Andrade, John Foster, Joselyn Du Cloux, Pat Gancel, Ellen Halliday and Eddie Guidry.
Dr. Thomas Doyle, associate superintendent for diocesan schools and Sister Mary Kelly, Montgomery CCD coordinator, planned the program for the orientation of professional personnel of the Diocesan Schools to center around the theme “Relationships.”
Fr. Edward McDevitt was appointed to the faculty of Religion at Montgomery Catholic High School and Fr. Andrew Stauter to McGill-Toolen High School.
Fr. Robert Fulton was appointed the first resident pastor of St. Elizabeth Parish, Greenville.
Officers of the McGill-Toolen band were: Cathy Box, president; Mike Williams, vice president; and Mary Rasp, secretary-treasurer.
St. Maurice Altar Society officers were: Mrs. Sam McGowin, president; Mrs Gene Hutchcraft, secretary; Mrs. F. R. Gillis, treasurer; Mrs. Leon Reiss, ways and means; Mrs. John Fay, altar robes; and Mrs. A. H. Riley Jr., publicity.
25 Years Ago
A celebration of Thanksgiving for dedicated service was held for Fr. John C. Robinson, pastor of Holy Family Parish, for his 25 years of service to the parish. Fr. Robinson continued his ministry as head of the Propagation of the Faith.
McGill-Toolen students Jack Johnson, Emily Breland and Caroline Lopez were selected to attend the National Young Leaders Conference in Washington, D.C. The Conference is a unique leadership development program for high school students who have demonstrated leadership potential and scholarship merit. The three McGill-Toolen students were among 350 outstanding National Scholars chosen to attend the Conference from across America.
Members of St. Mary’s High School CYO went to Orlando to spend a week working on homes of the poor and elderly. They joined 256 other students from 10 states to work on 47 homes.
Sara Mareno, McGill-Toolen graduate, was named one of five students nationally to receive a 1998 McNair Scholars Finalist award to attend the University of South Carolina.
Brother Alquin, S.C., former teacher for 25 years at McGill Institute, died in New Orleans at the age of 82. Mass of Christian Burial was held at St. Stanislaus High School Chapel and Interment was in the Brothers of the Sacred Heart Cemetery, Bay St. Louis, Miss.
Fr. Matthew Sindik, director of the City of St. Jude, congratulated Sister Mary Beth Kubera, D.C., principal of St. Jude High School, on her 25th anniversary as a member of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul.
Stephen E. Roth joined Spring Hill College as the new dean of students.
Rev. Donald J. Hawkins, S.J., joined Spring Hill College as director of Campus Ministry and rector of the Jesuit Community.
— Anne Baggett compiles information for Looking Back from past issues of this newspaper. Anne is a member of St. Mary Parish in Mobile.