50 Years Receiving Eagle Scout Awards at St. Bede Parish were Barney Azar, Greg Walker, Norman Azar and Tom Azar.
The former Zimmer Memorial Home was sold.
Officers of St. Catherine’s Student Council were: Jeffrey Calametti, president; Joseph Crow, vice president; Margaret Obrofta, secretary; and Andrew Maurin, treasurer.
New officers of St. Anne’s Guild of St. Bede Parish were: Mrs. Mary Benson, president; Mrs. Evelyn Yarbrough, vice president; Mrs. Ethel Rupenthal, secretary; and Mrs. Barbara Perry, treasurer.
Elected officers of the Altar Society of Visitation Parish, Jackson, were: Ann Englert, president; Jimmie Rester, vice president; Marie Sheffield, secretary; Mae Kung, treasurer; and Eloise Anderson, corresponding secretary.
John Cardinal Carberry, Archbishop of St. Louis, came to the Diocese of Mobile to mark the Silver Jubilee of Sister Agnes in the Carmel of Mobile.
Fr. Russell Wise was named pastor of St. Philip Parish.
Speakers at the 33rd annual Teachers Institute held in Mobile were: Brother Anthony Isparo S. M., PhD, Assistant Professor of Education, University of Notre Dame; and Rev. Eugene Hemrick, Director of Research and Design in Teaching Religion, Illinois Benedictine College.
25 Years Mother Teresa announced she would step down as superior general of the Missionaries of Charity.
The Interparish Council of Mobile/Baldwin Regions invited all to attend the MLK Celebration at Shrine of the Holy Cross, Daphne. The theme was “A Legacy of Courage.” Speaker was Charles Porter, Founder and CEO of the National Inner City Co. and executive director of the Mobile Human Relations Commission.
Brothers of the Sacred Heart, New Orleans Province, gathered in Mobile to celebrate the Sesquicentennial of their remarkable service in the United States. Most Rev. Oscar H. Lipscomb, Archbishop of Mobile, was main celebrant at the Sesquicentennial Mass. The Brothers renewed their vows and at the end of the Liturgy, a Sesquicentennial Marker was blessed by Archbishop Lipscomb assisted by Brother Paul Montero, SC, Provincial New Orleans Province and Brother Bernard Couvillion, SC, Superior General. Benediction was delivered by Brother Marcel Riviere, SC, Director Andre Coindre International Center, Lyons, France. The Brothers of the Sacred Heart first began their ministry in Mobile on Jan. 11, 1847 at the invitation of Bishop Michael Portier.
The Honorable Randall Thomas, Retired Montgomery Circuit Court Judge, was guest speaker at the 11th annual Memorial Service for the Unborn in Montgomery. The event was sponsored by the Montgomery Respect Life Committee.
Beth Olen of McGill-Toolen was named Super 12 Volleyball Player of the Year by the Mobile Press Register and State Volleyball Player of the year by the Alabama Sports Writers.
McGill-Toolen volleyball coach Becky Dickinson was named Coach of the Year by the Mobile Press Register.
— Anne Baggett compiles information for Looking Back from past issues of this newspaper. Anne is a member of St. Mary Parish in Mobile.