By Pat Arensberg For The Catholic Week
We rejected God in the Garden of Eden, but the Lord is good and forgiving — He built a bridge so we can fully enter into communion with Him. He longs to be with us and so He found another way to come to intimacy with us here and now.
Have you ever been offered something that seems too good to be true? Sometimes I feel that way about the Eucharist. The good news is that it is not too good to be true. It seems to me that if we understand that God is Love, the truth about the Eucharist becomes more clear.
It shouldn’t be surprising that God gives us His very life as a gift. God wants to be intimate with us now and not wait until we enter heaven. He created us for happiness with Him, it was not His original plan to have us live outside of Paradise. He never intended for there to be any unhappiness or separation from Him. He created us to be completely united with Himself for all eternity. If it is God’s intention that we be joined with Him for all eternity, doesn’t it seem logical that God would find some way to bridge the gap to us, even if we reject His first attempt? God’s love is more powerful than our sin and our rejection of Him.
Jesus humbles Himself and takes on the nature of one of His creatures. This is primarily so He can die for our sins, thus reconciling us to the Father. Jesus also makes a gift to His Church, namely the gift of Himself. He gives of Himself on the Cross and He of gives Himself in the form of bread and wine so we can become united with Him. Thank God for the Eucharist!
The National Eucharistic Congress is coming this summer and will be in Indianapolis. You can check out the website for the Eucharistic Congress: or you can email me with any questions: [email protected]. To register please visit: (we have discounted tickets)
— Pat Arensberg is the Director of the Office for Evangelization and Family Life. Email him at [email protected]
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