Have you ever given a gift to someone and not been thanked? Have you ever done something for someone and not received any acknowledgement? It is probable that all of us have had a similar experience. It’s a bit insulting, isn’t it? We wonder if the person was unhappy with what we gave, or if they even recognize that a gift was given. We might feel hurt or angry.
Do we remember to thank God for His manifold gifts given to us? He does not get angry with us when we neglect to thank Him, but it certainly has an effect on us. We train ourselves to take God for granted. Sometimes we might slip into a habitual mode of only turning to God when we need Him or want something. We turn God into a giant vending machine instead of entering deeply into intimacy with Him.
Even as adults we run the risk of turning into spoiled, selfish children. We become takers and users instead of givers. The problem is that we are made for love. We are made to give and serve. We are hardwired to be selfless. We are made in the image of the Trinity, and so we are most authentically ourselves when we love; when we give and serve. It is how we are made.
It seems to me that one of the ways we can foster the habit of giving is to acknowledge how much we have received and continue to receive. Every day is a blessing. Every breath, every consolation, every glance at the sunrise, all of it is a blessing.
Let’s take time over the next week and ponder all the things we have received. Let us thank the source of all of our gifts. We might even consider making a list on a piece of paper. I know people who have done just that, and they were amazed at the length of the list!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Thank you for reading this column.
— Pat Arensberg is the Director of the Office for Evangelization and Family Life. Email him at [email protected]. For more information concerning the events of this office, visit us at mobilefaithformation.org