By Shannon Roh For The Catholic Week MOBILE — The 91st annual Catholic Charities Appeal Sunday was Jan. 30. As of Monday, Feb. 21, 6,561 generous donors have participated with a financial pledge that once fulfilled will allow us to achieve 97.6 percent of our $4.5 million goal. The generosity of the parishioners of our archdiocese is inspirational. A detailed report of pledge totals by parish can be found on page 10.
“Love … bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. …” — 1 Corinthians 13:1-8
Inspired by the words of St. Paul to the Corinthians, the Catholic Charities Appeal has been showing the love of Christ to those living in poverty, those who are hurting and those who are in physical and spiritual need in the Archdiocese of Mobile since 1931. The ministries supported by the Catholic Charities Appeal serve men and women experiencing homelessness, mothers facing crisis pregnancies, families who struggle to feed their children, couples called to adopt, and so many more. The services offered by these ministries in our archdiocese are only possible because of your generosity to the Catholic Charities Appeal.
The basic pledge is $50 a month for 12 months or $600 a year. Many give more, much more. No gift is too small or too large. I am asking each of you to prayerfully consider making a pledge. If you are unable to give the basic pledge, please give what you can afford. I ask you to be generous and invite each of you who have not given before to please show your love to those in need by making a gift that will help the poor, the weak and those suffering among us. I ask that you to look into your heart and support the 2022 Catholic Charities Appeal. Text CCA to 91999 for a link to make your gift online.
The Catholic Charities Appeal would not be possible without the amazing team of dedicated volunteers.
It all starts with the leadership team. Archbishop Rodi inspired all the pastors and volunteers at the volunteer training dinners held across the archdiocese that introduced this year’s theme and process in November.
The Archdiocesan Chair, Mr. John Gelineau, provided an inspirational video message that was presented at the training dinners in November. Our dedicated pastors and Parish Chairs sacrifice countless hours to recruit a volunteer team, sort pledge envelopes and follow up with parishioners to achieve their goals. Thank you all for your dedication to Catholic Charities!
Finally, we are blessed with a hand full of exceptional volunteers who dedicate weeks of their time here in our office sorting, counting, recounting and preparing deposits so that your donations can get to the ministries that need them as quickly as possible. These faithful volunteers show up day after day and donate their time until every pledge is deposited, entered and alphabetized. The Development office is made up of only three: Laura Ball, Michelle Knizley and myself.
We could not do this alone. A special thank you to the following: Mrs. Debbie Covert, Mr. Lee Eilers, Mrs. Erin Franklin, Mr. Bill Mansfield, Mrs. Sandra Ramos, Ms. Nancy Sanchez, Ms. Mary Ann Stevens, and Mrs. Martha Willcox. We are so grateful for all these amazing volunteers!