An inaugural Our Lady of Guadalupe Walk from St. Lawrence Parish in Fairhope to Christ the King Parish in Daphne will take place on Dec. 12, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
DAPHNE — The Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree Assemblies are associations of affiliated councils’ Fourth Degree Members. Recently, The Knights of Columbus Bay of the Holy Spirit Assembly 2573, consisting of Fourth Degree Members from Councils 2737 (Daphne), 8959 (Fairhope), 11554 (Bay Minette), and 14507 (St. Dominic in Mobile), received the Bienville Province Assembly of the Year Award at the Bienville Provincial Banquet The Bienville Province consists of 207 Fourth Degree Assemblies across Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee and Arkansas.
50 Years Ago The Mobile Diocesan Council of the National Council of Catholic Women held their 38th annual Convention in Montgomery with Mrs. Kitty Reickenbach presiding.
Ya que el 1º. de noviembre se celebra el Día de Todos los Santos, es el momento oportuno para hablar de los santos y del proceso de canonización en la Iglesia católica.
Como algunos de ustedes probablemente saben, he estado en Roma durante las últimas tres semanas participando como delegado en el Sínodo sobre la Sinodalidad. También habrán oído que, para garantizar la confidencialidad de los debates, el Papa Francisco ha pedido a todos los miembros del Sínodo que se abstengan de revelar lo que se ha debatido. Por lo tanto, no voy a dar ninguna información privilegiada. Pero he pensado que sería interesante saber cómo es un día cualquiera en el Sínodo y cuál es el ambiente general.
Me gustaría empezar con una breve analogía. Un quarterback se echa hacia atrás para hacer un pase y ve a un receptor a 15 metros en el campo. El quarterback lanza el balón. Lo que no vio fue que un defensa se acercaba al receptor "abierto". El defensa intercepta el pase. Cuando el quarterback sale del campo, su entrenador le pregunta: "¿En qué estabas pensando? ¿Por qué se lo has lanzado a ese receptor?". El quarterback responde: "No vi al defensa". A veces, lo que no vemos puede ser un gran problema.
Hace 50 Años Mobile Right to Life patrocinó una exposición y proyección de películas en la Exposición Mundial de la Mujer en el Auditorio Municipal de Mobile. Jude High School, fue nombrado semifinalista del Mérito Nacional.
MONTGOMERY — Catholic Social Services of Montgomery welcomed Kerry Alys Robinson, President and CEO of Catholic Charities USA along with distinguished guests, Montgomery Advisory Board members and staff for a dinner and evening of fellowship.
MOBILE — Spring Hill College has unveiled an initiative aimed at transforming the higher education landscape. Effective immediately, Spring Hill College will offer all incoming freshmen a tuition-free graduate degree as part of its mission to provide affordable and accessible education.
As some of you probably know, I’ve been in Rome for the past three weeks participating as a delegate at the Synod on Synodality. You might also have heard that in order to ensure the confidentiality of the proceedings, Pope Francis has asked all the members of the synod to refrain from disclosing what has been discussed.
La Iglesia Católica da la bienvenida al mes de noviembre con la Solemnidad de Todos los Santos, observada el 1ro de noviembre, y la conmemoración de los Fieles Difuntos, o día de los muertos, celebrada el dos de noviembre de cada año. The Catholic Church welcomes the month of November with the Solemnity of All Saints Day, observed on Nov. 1, and the commemoration of All Souls Day, celebrated on Nov. 2 each year.
I would like to begin this with a quick analogy. A quarterback drops back to pass, and he sees a wide receiver 15 yards down the field. The quarterback throws the ball. What he didn’t see was a defender closing in on the “open” receiver. The defender intercepts the pass. As the quarterback comes off the field his coach asks him, “What were you thinking? Why did you throw it to that wide receiver?” The quarterback responds, “I didn’t see the defender.” Sometimes what we don’t see can be a really big problem.
There are different ways of being excluded in life. Earlier this year, one of my older brothers died. By every indication he had lived an exemplary life, one lived mainly for others. He died much loved by everyone who knew him. His was a life lived for family, church, community, and friends.
50 Years Ago Mobile Right to Life sponsored an exhibit and film showing at the Women’s World Expo at Mobile Municipal Auditorium. Leonard N. Williams, a St. Jude High School senior, was named a National Merit semifinalist.